About / Ambassadors / Victoria Gillenwater

World Champion Equestrian. Owner, Scenic View Farm. Treefrog User.

Meet Victoria Gillenwater.  She rode into her first world champion competition when she was nine years old, and she is still competing on a global level today.  Decades of intense competition takes its toll.  Hear more about Victoria’s incredible athletic career and learn how she has managed to stay in the show ring for so long.

Ambassador Highlight

World Champion Equestrian. Owner, Scenic View Farm. Treefrog User.

Meet Victoria Gillenwater.  She rode into her first world champion competition when she was nine years old, and she is still competing on a global level today.  Decades of intense competition takes its toll.  Hear more about Victoria’s incredible athletic career and learn how she has managed to stay in the show ring for so long.

Victoria Glenwater

“Vivamus porttitor eros id laoreet dapibus. Curabitur id quam sed risus iaculis pretium. Proin interdum, lacus non vehicula tempus, odio tortor mattis turpis, in fringilla magna ante eget ante. Curabitur ut nisl convallis, sollicitudin ante in, molestie lectus. Vestibulum elementum dictum dolor vel pretium.”