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About / Ambassadors

Treefrog Ambassadors

Jaeda Banks

Jaeda Banks.. Student. Jiu Jitsu Champion. Tik Tok Sensation. About / Ambassadors / Jaeda Banks Meet Jaeda Banks.  She began studying Jiu-Jitsu and has been competing almost half her life.  Her hard work and dedication has earned her championship belts. See howTreefrog [...]

Jordy Marin

Born and raised in Dominical, Costa Rica, Jordy grew up as a competitive surfer and is now co-owner and the main surf coach at Sunset Surf, also in Dominical.  He has been an ISA (level 2) surf instructor since 2010, including aquatic rescue and CPR.  Jordy spends his days [...]

Molly Hentz

Molly is a food therapist, nutritionist, recipe designer and also a certified yoga instructor.  Molly has been helping her clients develop a healthy approach to food through knowledge, awareness and skills.  Molly holds a masters degree in Food Studies from NYU and she has a strong following online with [...]

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